Addressing new COVID Restrictions in Alberta


Today the Government of Alberta announced a series of new restrictions to manage COVID-19 in Alberta.

Effective Friday November 13, 2020 The Government of Alberta has ordered all group fitness classes to suspended for 2 weeks.

Here is what this means for Frontier Performance athletes:

Please actually read the following information


Lets get Strong!

Effective Friday Nov 13, for two weeks, the only activity we will allow is personalized Olympic Weightlifting, or other individualized strength training.

If you are an athlete whose primary focus has been Functional Fitness, or you are not on a personalized plan, there will be a strength program available via ZenPlanner.

How to Book

We have 16 bookable spaces for an individual to work on their program.
8 Platforms, and 8 zones in the FF area.

These 16 zones are bookable in 30 minute increments; book however many consecutive 30 minute sessions that you require to complete your program.

When you book, you are booking a zone, you are not guaranteed a platform.


For contact tracing purposes, when you arrive at the facility, you need to open ZenPlanner on your phone, and ‘check-in’ so we know your were actually in the building.


Even though this is not a group class, you will still receive feedback from coaching staff during your session.


When you book a zone, this is to work on your individual strength program. This is not for CrossFit style open-gym workouts.

Refreshed Procedures

We want to remind all of our members that we have the following social distancing measures in effect:

  • Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before your session.

  • You absolutely, totally, for sure must stay in your zone for the duration of your session.
    If you leave your zone for anything other than grabbing equipment or entering/exit the building, you shall be publicly shamed and shunned.

  • Spend as little time in the change rooms as possible. No more than 2 people at a time.

  • Stay in your area/platform/zone/square… do not leave it.

And of course, please ensure you are thoroughly cleaning any equipment you touched during your session. This includes bands, mats, weights, bars, etc…

Our full recap of our procedures is available here:

Handstand Workshop

If you are registered for the November 21 handstand workshop, this event will be pushed to Saturday November 28th.


November 24 COVID Restrictions


November at Frontier Performance