Community Standards | Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Frontier Performance recognizes people are the most important asset in our community. We are committed to the wellbeing of all our members and encourage open dialogue around how we can all best conduct ourselves.
We’ve laid out a few guidelines to help that dialogue continue. To ensure the best possible experience for all members, athletes, spectators, staff and volunteers together we must:
By committing to treat all individuals in a courteous manner as a person who has value, dignity and is worthy of respect and by helping create an environment free from harassment, bullying, discrimination, abuse and acts of violence.
What is harassment?
It’s any single incident or repeated incidents, comment, bullying or action by a person that the person knows or reasonably ought to know would cause offence or humiliation to a person, or adversely affect a person’s health and safety. Includes - race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, marital status, age, ancestry, place of origin, family status, or source of income, and the action, comment or activity is unwelcome, intimidating, or offensive to the recipient.
By engaging with others in a positive way no matter their personal experiences, attitudes, beliefs, values, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or individual differences.
What is Inclusivity?
Creating an environment that makes every attempt to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equitably. Helping to create a place where everyone feels that they have a voice and that they belong, encouraging others to be welcoming and accepting.
By acting in the best interest of those around me in an effort to benefit and not harm others.
What does being a good human mean?
It’s someone who is honest and kind and looks out for their fellow humans in a patient, considerate and compassionate manner. It’s someone who is understanding of others’ feelings and makes positive choices based on how their actions might affect those feelings. It’s someone who has a desire to be the best person that they can be. It’s you!
By assessing every situation and determining the effects of my actions, others’ actions, or of the situation. One way is by avoiding situations that could impair my judgement (alcohol, drug, peer pressure) and interfere with my ability to benefit and not harm myself or others. For example you can contribute to a safe environment:
• By acting in a way that looks out for the safety of others, in and out of the gym.
• By being aware of and bringing attention to, any situation that may be unsafe
• By not pressuring anyone to do something they may not be comfortable with, in and out of the gym.
• By overall looking out for each other
Let ANYONE on Staff know.
Let Bystanders know.
We all play an active role in maintaining a respectful, responsible, welcoming and safe space for everyone.
These policies are applicable to Frontier Performance and its Staff, Volunteers, and Athletes, and persons other than guests who organize and operate and oversee Frontier Performance programs and activities.
Staff and Athletes are expected to conduct Frontier Performance programs and operations in a manner that promotes the recognition of Frontier Performance within the community as an organization that: operates with integrity; and prudently manages its fiscal and human resources.
Frontier Performance’s commitment to fair treatment includes its commitment to hire, recruit and promote members without discrimination, in accordance with the requirements of applicable human rights legislation. Frontier Performance also endeavours to protect members from workplace violence and harassment, and all members/athletes are expected to conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner consistent with that objective.
Frontier Performance is committed to: (i) establishing and maintaining a safe physical environment on its own premises and anywhere else Frontier Performance programs are held or operated for all of participants of its programs including in particular, special needs, indigenous and youth participants, (ii) conducting all operations in an environmentally responsible and security conscious manner, and (iii) establishing and maintaining consistent standards and training programs to support these commitments and compliance with applicable laws.
All staff and athletes are responsible for ensuring that they do not report for training or work (including volunteer duties) or conduct their training or work (including volunteer duties) while in an impaired state caused by the consumption of alcohol or the use of drugs (or both).
Staff and Athletes are expected to use Frontier Performance assets properly and for the approved operations only, and to protect Frontier Performance assets.
Staff and Athletes may not, either during or following service with Frontier Performance, disclose any proprietary or confidential information.
Staff and Athletes who have not been authorized to respond to media inquiries will not respond to any media inquiry received by, or directed to, that member. All media inquiries related to Frontier Performance should promptly be referred to the Chris Lemke, who is responsible for responding to or directing inquiries to the appropriate member of Frontier Performance for response.
No Staff or Athlete may participate in activities (including discussions on social media) that could compromise Frontier Perormance’s image or reputation as a leading, valued, and trusted member of the community.
Violations or suspected violations must be reported promptly to your Frontier Performance Staff.. Your request for information or action will be handled promptly, discretely and professionally. Discussions and inquiries will be kept in strict confidence to the extent appropriate or permitted by policy or law. Your right to remain anonymous, although you are encouraged to identify yourself. No retaliatory action will be taken against any member for making a good faith report of a violation. However, if the staff or athlete took part in the prohibited activity, the staff or athlete may be disciplined even if the staff or athlete is the party who reported the prohibited activity. The staff or athlete’s decision to report will, in all cases, be given due consideration in the event any discipline is necessary.