December at Frontier Performance
Hello Athletes!
Lots of information for you, I’ll keep this as short as I can, and as always feel free to email me with questions.
Pre-Paid Membership Sale
Every December we put our pre-paid memberships on sale; this is the only time of year you can purchase these memberships.
We only have a limited amount of these available, and typically they sell out each year.
Holiday Membership - Full Access
*NOTE: If you purchased a pre-paid membership last year, AND you have a scheduled COVID Extension coming up in January, your pricing will be adjusted to reflect that it does not start until after the extension ends. (9 Months rather than 12)
Gift Membership - Full Access
This membership can not be purchased for yourself. It must be GIFTED to another member.
If you would like to add one of these to your account, please email me or visit me in the office!
Hunter of the Year Nominations
We have extended the Hunter of the Year award nominations to close this upcoming Saturday December 5th.
While the Christmas party is cancelled, we are still exploring ways to honour this individual.
At Home Wods - Trial
Due to COVID we understand that many of you may not feel entirely comfortable attending the gym. For the month of December we are going to experiment with some at-home programming.
We are running this program as a trial, and we do not guarantee we will run for the entire month.
If you are participating in this program, please log your result on the leaderboard so we can see how many people are doing it.
You do not need to put in you actual score, you can put in a ‘0’; Just indicate that you did it. If participation is super low, we may discontinue the program.
For this program you will simply need to find a few heavy objects that you can find around you house (For example a milk carton filled with water). We will not be renting out equipment for this program.
We would appreciate any additional feedback on this program if you are participating in it.
Lost ‘n’ Found
The Lost ‘n’ Found under the stairs is going away on December 23, 2020.
Please rummage through it just in case….it's pretty full right now.
Belt Buckle
Sales for the Frontier Belt Buckle close on Saturday.
This belt is handcrafted by the world famous Montana Silversmiths; master engravers who have been creating unparalleled cowboy belt buckles for over 45 years.
Retailing at $300/month, you have the option to add this buckle to your Frontier Performance account, and pay for it in instalments. Contact me if you would like me to set this up.
Expected arrival is January 2021.
Hot Stuff Calendar
Looking for a great Christmas gift?
We have the Hot Stuff Firefighter Calendar for sale. It’s just $20.
You can pay online, cash, debit etc…
If you would like to bill your account, please contact me
CapTime - App
Since there is no class time right now, a lot of people have been using their phones for workout timers. I wanted to pass along an app that I think is the best for our style of training.
This app works and looks just like the big clock on the wall of the gym, and it’s really easy to see on your phone at a glance
There are A LOT of super complicated timer apps , that are finicky and hard to see. Captime is freaking simple, there’s no paid add-ons, no subscriptions, no gimmicks….it just counts time.
Wodify - End of ZenPlanner
As you may have noticed, the past many months, ZenPlanner has been having issues. We have begun the process to move to a more stable and reliable platform called Wodify; for start on January 1, 2021
Over the coming weeks you will be receiving some emails that will contain instructions on how to move your account over to Wodify.
It is very important that you read these emails and follow the instructions, or your account might not be transfered over.
Details to come.
Some friendly neighbourhood reservation reminders.
Did you know you can sort by time-slot type by using the filter button when you’re looking at the list of time slots?
Please…for the love of all that is holy. If you are not going to make it, please CANCEL your time slot. I have removed the 1 hour minimum period to make this extra easy for you.
For COVID contact tracing purposes, please ‘check in’ to the app when you arrive.
If you come in the early evening (4:30pm - 5:30pm) AND doing the conditioner AND the FF Strength, consider booking a Weightlifting Platform to do the FFS portion of your program to free up space in the COVID Zones.
Any Questions, comments, concerns, life crisis… feel free to reach out.