February at Frontier Performance
Hello Athletes
As I’m sure you are all aware, the Government of Alberta recently updated the restrictions for fitness in Alberta.
Let’s start by giving an update to our existing programs.
COVID Programs
Virtual Programming
To accomodate the personal training schedule, the following changes have been made to the times of our virtual class.
There is no longer a 7:00am class
There is no longer a Thursday Mobility Class
There is no longer a 12:00pm Class on Saturday. (We have added a 12:30pm Outdoor class)
Weekday evening classes are now at 6:00pm rather than 5:30pm
Monday mobility is now at 5:00pm
These changes are reflected in the Wodify Calendar.
Outdoor Fitness
The outdoor existing outdoor programming will continue, weather permitting.
The current outdoor programs are:
Running Club with Michèle Sauvé
Outdoor Fitness with Scott Smith
Due to popular demand, we have added a 12:30pm Saturday Class, starting NEXT week
Click this button to see all of our virtual & outdoor class options in one place:
You are welcome to bring Non-Frontier members to these 2 class options for free, however you simply need to email me their contact info, a few hours before class starts, so I can have them sign a waiver.
Personalized Programming
I also wanted to remind you, that included with your membership is access to personalized programming from Chris. To access this information reach out to Chris directly.
Equipment Rentals
At this time, we are not going to be calling back any equipment that we have rented out.
Should the government further loosen the restrictions allowing us to offer our typical program, then we will bring the equipment back.
We will give you as much notice as possible for the return, however the date we announce is the date that it MUST come back.
What’s New?
The latest government restrictions allow us to now offer Personal Training as an additional option for all of you.
I just want to stress that point; this is an additional option that you can utilize in cadence with the programs we are currently offering.
Functionally, these restrictions still do not allow us to offer our typical Frontier Performance experience.
Personal Training
For the next few weeks, we are committing to offering our athletes a quality personal training experience.
This program has been created to follow all AHS guidelines, and more importantly to provide a safe environment for all Frontier athletes and coaches.
Keep in mind, the following is subject to change if we think there is a better way to offer this program.
How it Works:
Each athlete will receive a certain quantity of personal training sessions, based on their current monthly payment.
Athletes will have the option to purchase additional sessions.
Sessions are available in the morning, starting at 6am and in the afternoon/evening, starting at 3pm.
There is also a few time slots on Saturday morning, starting at 8am.
Each session is 1 hour long
We have the capacity to train a maximum of 2 people at a time, depending on schedule.
Sign Up:
To make this the most fair for everyone; the sign up links will not be shared in this announcement.
Personal Training sign-up will be EMAILED out on FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5, 2021 AT 7:00PM
Starting at that time, the floodgates are open; first come, first serve.
The email that will be sent out will include 2 links, you’ll need to click the link appropriate for your membership.
4 Sessions - This will be for the following membership types
12/6/3 Month - All Access
Month to Month - All Access
1 Year Prepaid
3 Sessions - This is for the following membership type
Covid Rebates
ANY Olympic Weightlifting Only
Part Time
(If you would like to look up your membership type, open Wodify Athlete and go into your settings, then click “membership” )
The email will also provide a link to purchase additional sessions for $50 each.
How to Book a Session:
First, you need to add the sessions to your account using the link in the email that will be sent out on February 5th at 7:00pm.
Sign up for sessions will be done via Wodify
On the calendar window, press “Appointments”
You can either select a coach (Chris or Colin), or you can let the system decide.
Simply find a time slot that works for you, and press “book”
You will receive a confirmation email to confirm your session.
On-Site Procedure
If you do not have an appointment, and you come in, you will be turned away.
When you arrive make sure you check in on the app.
You are welcome to arrive 15 minutes prior to your session to change and go upstairs to do your activation/stretch/mobility.
The AHS guidelines are very clear; you can not interact with people in other sessions.
You must remain 3m away from other athletes and other coaches on site.
No sharing equipment.
Seriously Marisa, no hugging.
A few minutes at the end of your session will be dedicated to sanitizing all of the equipment.
Fine Print/Policies
Sessions will be open to book up to 7 days in advance.
Athletes from the same household may attend their session together. A session pass will be removed from both people.
You can choose to use all your sessions all at once, or you can space them out…your choice.
You need to CANCEL 12 hours prior to your session, or you forfeit it. (Strictly enforced!)
This is to allow coaches time to plan their schedule, AND for someone else to fill that spot if needed.
There is NO waitlist.
If you do not show up for your session, you do not get that session back.
While you may choose a coach, we do reserve the right to re-assign coaches based on schedule/availability/etc..
On-hold memberships are not eligible for this program.
Overdue accounts must be settled prior to booking.
You may need to get in touch with me to re-activate your account.
Unused sessions expire at the end of the month.
If these current restrictions do not lift by the end of February, EVERYBODY will receive another round of sessions in March.
If the time slots you are trying to book are constantly filled, or, if the time slots we are offering are not working for you.
PLEASE. LET. ME. KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The more feedback we receive on this program, the better it will be for the people participating in it.
IF you have any questions about anything in this update, please let me know!