Sober October
As I write this I'm having my first drink in weeks, the previous ones being ritual or "lucky" drinks. Do I need this drink to write with any purpose? I feel as though I do.
"But Chris, you always say that your feelings don't matter!"
Correct. They don't…
…That's why it's time for Sober October.
"But I already don't drink because I('m) Mormon/respect myself/think it tastes yucky/have no mental health issues."
Good for you. But it's not just about drinking, It's about dominating the self, choosing to be a faster moving predator before you die. Show yourself and those around you that you can. Display your toughness to the group and yourself. Next time you go to war [with yourself/life/the enemy] you and they will know that you're made of rough stuff. So pick anything you like that you know will be a challenge and will increase your lethality and make you less killable. Pick something that will sharpen the steel of your mind. Pick something that will enrich your floppy blob of a soul.
I recommend picking 3-5 behaviors. I'm doing the following:
Eat only things on my actual diet plan [ie. no booze, no sugar, no plants]
Sauna at least 60 mins a week
5 workouts a week/150 mins of cardio minimum [running, rucking and rehab]
No tertiary spending [no starbucks, no booster juice]
Get a 95% rate of circadian rhythm habits [ie. get to bed before 10pm everyday, get up at 530 everyday (even weekends) and no phone or blue light after 9pm]
Note a few things: all of these are doable within my means, all of them are specific, and one of them has a built in squish or failure rate. When you pick yours, think about what is doable and what things you'll need squish on.
It's actually kind of hard to come up with stuff sometimes. The brain doesn't want to subject itself to discomfort. Think about the following as examples:
Eat X amount of protein/carbs/fat each day [just pick one if you dont already do any of them]
Train X amount of times a week
Don’t spend money on X widget/addiction
Be randomly kind to X amount of strangers a week
Finish X amount of procrastinated tasks per week
Dial your bitch down
Dial your bitch up
Volunteer at an animal charity
Do yoga every morning at a fancy hot yoga place
Practice something new X times a week
Stop smoking
Start smoking
Quit candy
You get the idea. Find a few things that you know you SHOULD do... and do them. Make or kill a habit. Then take pleasure in being mentally stronger.
Shit starts Friday October 7 (or now), and ends Sunday Nov 6. If you want in on peer accountability let us know at . There will be a group slack chat (link below) where you will be shamed for your weakness and praised for your ruthless self dominance. There will be podcast links and articles to support you through the process (posted in slack of course). There will be prizes for the most stoic hardcore killers.
Discipline is freedom
Be less killable