Frontier Performance Staff Restructuring
Farewell Shawn Lukacsy
Shawn has decided to explore new opportunities and will not be rejoining the Frontier Performance team upon re-opening. We are very excited for the new opportunities Shawn plans on exploring.
Frontier Performance would not be the organization it is today if it was not for Shawn. His incredible energy and coaching knowledge will be missed.
Thank you for an amazing 6 years!
Head Coach - Colin Urquhart
Colin Urquhart will be assuming the role of head coach for the Conditioning Program.
For many years Colin has been one of the primary coaches here at Frontier Performance, and currently operates the Frontier Performance Personal Training Program.
Please congratulate Colin next time you see him!
Community Manager - Rory Siddall
Rory will continue his role performing marketing for Frontier, and will take on the added responsibility of taking care of member accounts/billing, and other back end administration requirements.
Since 2018 Rory has been working on various community engagement activities for Frontier Performance and we look forward to future initiatives he will produce for our community.